January 12, 2014
year ago today, we found out we were pregnant with our third child. We never
envisioned that precious child would become our angel baby, leaving us with
what we now call our two sunshine babies (earth babies conceived before a
family is struck by loss- babies conceived before devastation, holding a place
in a family’s heart and their symbol of love, before they knew anything about
shattered dreams) and now our rainbow baby (an earth baby born following the
loss of an angel baby-the theory being that the beauty of the rainbow does not
mean the storm and the devastation never happened but that something beautiful
and full of light has emerged from the darkness).
We are
humbled to announce that we are nearly 7 weeks pregnant with our rainbow baby,
due September 2, 2014. We decided to let everyone know pretty early on as we
learned through Karalyn’s pregnancy that there is never a “safe” time to tell
people you are expecting. We would appreciate any and all prayers as we walk
this path of a rainbow pregnancy as the death of Karalyn and all we went
through still is so fresh and weighs heavy on our hearts and as we try to rest
in the peace that only comes through trusting in our Savior with this new life
He has created.